Discover You Are The One

From Sex & Relationship Author Lanae St.John

Learn the keys for unlocking successful relationships, get advice on communicating with dating prospects and partners, and relationship-rebuilding tips to strengthen existing relationships.

A Look Inside
You Are The One 

  • Summary

  • who is it for?

  • Key Takeaways

  • around the world


The book is about relationship and dating advice, and offers readers guidance on how to find and keep the love of their lives. The author believes that all relationships are built on trust, honesty, and communication, and that by following these principles, couples can have successful and fulfilling relationships.

happy woman You Are The One

Hi, I'm Lanae. It's great to see you!

Welcome to The MamaSutra! I am Dr. Lanae St. John, a certified sex coach and writer. I help individuals and families navigate the complex world of sexuality and intimacy. My writing and coaching combines expertise, compassion, and humor to provide a safe space for growth and healing. Thank you for visiting my website.

Lanae has appeared in...

In my own words...

When I first drafted this book, I had gone through a relationship that left me feeling powerless. 
Through my research and exploration of relationship dynamics, I discovered valuable lessons about love and dating that helped me regain a sense of self-confidence.
My hope is that my words can help others in the same situation and find the relationship that's best for them.
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